KW1180M-3200 is a heavy-duty robot.The wrist can handle a load of 180kg, and the working radius can reach 3200mm.
Functional characteristics
Thanks to its high rigidity structure and high-speed intelligent palletizing process package, the efficiency has been improved by 20%, helping customers complete their work more quickly, efficiently, and economically;Integrating multiple industry-specific process packages, combined with soft PLCs and various bus interfaces, to help customers easily face various process challenges;The high-performance collision detection function helps improve safety factors.
Applicable scenarios
It can be widely used in scenarios such as handling, palletizing, loading and unloading.
Applicable industries
Industries such as automotive parts, photovoltaic, food and beverage, building materials, logistics and warehousing.
Palletizing robot
Robot welding applications mainly include spot welding and arc welding used in the automotive industry, although spot welding robots are more popular than arc welding robots, but arc welding robots have developed rapidly in recent years. Many machining workshops are gradually introducing welding robots to automate welding operations.
Assembly robots are mainly engaged in the installation and disassembly of parts, etc. Due to the rapid development of robot sensor technology in recent years, robot applications are becoming more and more diverse.
The application of robots in the machining industry is not high, probably because there are many automation equipment on the market can be competent for the task of machining. Machining robots are mainly used in parts casting, laser cutting and sheet metal bending.
Robot spraying mainly refers to painting, dispensing, painting and other work, 4% of industrial robots engaged in spraying applications.